God’s purpose, plans and pursuits find expression in the saints in Kharis Centre International through His organic structure: LOVE; His very nature.
The supernatural flows through us and we are made bold by God to say, we labor day and night by His Spirit and among the saints, and we don’t let up!
Our work and focus remains undaunted. We are focused on the Job. And it will be done.
We are never in a bid to shine talk less of out-shining others, since we know we are sent by Him, we are more focused on His sight, being alert on His watch.
To effectively do what we are called to do. Building to LAST! It’s a long season.., Yet, we are made for THIS! Till we spread Jesus with intentionality and intensity all over the world.
We are a ministry with the sole purpose of propagating the gospel and making
disciples in the accurate precise knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to dignify humanity; projecting a Christ-centered leadership to the