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DO A GROWTH ASSESSMENT - Kharis Centre International


Luke 8:13 – “These have no root”

My soul, examine yourself today in the light of this text. You have received the Word with joy; a sweet fellowship with the Spirit and your soul has been stirred. But, remember, to receive the Word is one thing and yielding to work with it is quite another. if a superficial feeling is often joined to inward hardness of heart, a lively impression of the Word is not always a lasting one.

In the parable, the seed in one case fell upon ground having a rocky bottom, covered over with a thin layer of earth; when the seed began to take root, its downward growth was hindered by the hard stone, and therefore it spent its strength in pushing its green shoot aloft as high as it could. But having no inward moisture derived from root nourishment, it withered away. Is this my case? Have I been making a fair show in the flesh without having a corresponding inner life?

Good growth takes place upward and downward at the same time. Am I rooted in sincere fidelity and love to Jesus? If my mind remains as stubborn as it was by nature or at a snail pace, the sun of trial will scorch, and my hard heart will help cast the heat the more terribly upon the ill-covered seed, and my faith will soon deteriorate and my despair will be terrible. Therefore, O heavenly Sower, I yield to your plowing consistently, as you cast the truth into me, so l would yield a bounteous harvest by bearing the fruit of the Spirit in all things.

It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis!

Pastor Josh Laryea
