Titus 2:9 – “Avoid foolish controversies”
Our days are few and are far better spent in doing good than in disputing over matters that are, at best, of minor importance. The old scholars did a world of mischief by their incessant discussion of subjects of no practical importance; and our churches suffer too often from petty wars over obscure points and unimportant questions. After everything has been said that can be said, neither party is any the wiser. It’s like sowing seeds on rocks.
Questions about issues on which Scripture is silent, on mysteries that belong to God alone, on prophecies of doubtful interpretation, and on mere modes of observing human ceremonials are all foolish, and wise men avoid them. There are, however, some questions that are the reverse of foolish, which we must not avoid but fairly and honestly meet, such as these: Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Am I renewed in the spirit of my mind? Am I walking not after the flesh but after the Spirit?
Am I growing in grace? Does my behavior adorn the doctrine of God my Savior? Am I looking forward to the coming of the Lord and watching as a servant should who expects his master? What more can I do for Jesus?Such inquiries as these demand our urgent attention. If we have been given at all to frivolous arguments, let us now turn our critical abilities to a much more profitable service. Let us be peacemakers and endeavor to lead others both by our precept and example to “avoid foolish controversies.”
It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis! Pastor Josh Laryea