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BLESSED IN THE BELOVED - Kharis Centre International


Ephesians 1:6 – “He has blessed us in the Beloved.”

What a state of privilege! It includes our justification before God, but the term “blessed” in the Greek means more than that. It signifies that we are the objects of divine satisfaction, even of divine delight. How marvelous that we “worms”, mortals, sinners should be made the objects of divine love!

But look at Christ, and see if everything is not acceptable there. Your sins trouble you; but God has cast your sins behind His back, and you are accepted and blessed in the Righteous One. You have to fight with corruption and wrestle with temptation, but you are already accepted in Him who has overcome the powers of evil.

The devil tempts you, but be of good cheer; he cannot destroy you, for you are accepted in Him who has broken Satan’s head. Know by full assurance your glorious standing. Even glorified souls are not more accepted than you are. They are only blessed in heaven “in the Beloved,” and you are even now blessed in Christ after the same manner.

It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis!

Pastor Josh Laryea
