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CHRIST OUR REALITY - Kharis Centre International


Colossians 2:6 – “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord.”

The life of faith is represented as receiving; an act that implies the very opposite of anything like merit. It is simply the acceptance of a gift. As the earth drinks in the rain, as the sea receives the streams, as night accepts light from the stars, so we, giving nothing, partake freely of the grace of God.

The believers are not by nature wells or streams; they are just cisterns into which the living water flows; they are empty vessels into which God pours His salvation. The idea of receiving implies a sense of realization, making the matter a reality. One cannot very well receive a shadow; we receive that which is substantial: So is it in the life of faith; Christ becomes real to us.

Until we come to faith, Jesus is just a name to us—a person who lived a long time ago, so long ago that His life is only a history to us now! By an act of faith Jesus becomes a real person in the consciousness of our heart. Receiving also means grasping or getting possession of. The thing that I receive becomes my own: I appropriate to myself that which is given. When I receive Jesus, He becomes my Savior, so much so that neither life nor death will be able to rob me of Him.

It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis!

Pastor Josh Laryea
