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LOVE COVERS ALL - Kharis Centre International


1 Corinthians 9:12 – “Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person.”

God’s kind of love covers up a multitude of sins and covers over, shields, and protects people from injuries in life. It is always eager to look for the best in others. It “bears all things” like the covering of a roof. How does God produce this kind of love in the Christian? It begins with trust in Him and His saving grace. All He needs is a willingness to make yourself available to Him.

This was the example of Jesus in John 8:11 regarding the woman caught in adultery. When her detractors and accusers condemned her Jesus did not do same. Though he acknowledged her wrong, he covered and freed her from guilt and condemnation. We are called to do same as reflecting the love of our Father. Do you want to love with this kind of love?

Allow Him to settle down and make Himself available in your heart. As you abide, or make yourself at home in Him, He reproduces His love within you and your attitudes, actions and behaviors change. This is what you need, your family needs, and those with whom you relate every day. This kind of love never fades out and endures everything.

It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis!

Pastor Josh Laryea
