Romans 8:26 – “ “The Spirit of God not only maintains this hope within us, but helps us in our weakness”
Why is prayer a problem even for mature Christians? Paul says it is because of “our weakness or infirmities.” Phillips Bible translates it as “present limitations”. Thankfully we are aided in our infirmities. Paul does not say the Holy Spirit removes our “weaknesses,” but that He “helps” us. The wonderful thing is His intercessions for the saints are always in harmony with God’s will.
We live our whole Christian life in conditions of humility and weaknesses. Hence the Greek word “sunantilambanetai” a person coming alongside another to take part of a heavy load to help him bear it in wisdom and strength. He helps those who cannot help themselves. What is the weakness? We do not know what to pray for in the midst of our suffering the heavy load, so He gets up under it with us and bears it along. He identifies with us in our weakness.
Every Christian experiences these weaknesses and it is this that makes prayer difficult. Hence the spirit’s inarticulate groans do not escape the omniscient ears of God. They are perfectly intelligent to Him and always according to His perfect will. They are initiated by the Holy Spirit and borne to the presence of the Father. And because they are the intercessions of the Holy Spirit, they are acceptable to the Father.
It’s a brand new day! Keep enjoying Kharis!
Pastor Josh Laryea